Federico IIErasmus

Andrea Fernández- Paper proposal

Home Forums 2018 SUSEES Edition – Writing Groups Andrea Fernández- Paper proposal

This topic contains 0 replies, has 1 voice, and was last updated by Profile photo of Andrea Fernández Sánchez Andrea Fernández Sánchez 6 years, 8 months ago.

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  • #980

    Institutional affiliation

    I am a third year PhD student in Educational Equity and Innovation at University of A Coruña, Spain.

    Training background
    -2013 Primary teacher Bachelor’s Degree
    ▪ Universidad de A Coruña
    ▪ Adam Mickiewicz University (Poznan, Polonia). Academic year 2011-2012.

    -2015 Master’s degree in Management, leadership and innovation of educational institutions.
    Universidad de A Coruña

    -2014–Present: Bacherlor’s Degree in Pedagogy, UNED (Open university)

    Main themes of investigation:
    My PhD research seeks an improved understanding of young people’s choices to enrol -or not- in STEM education. To be more specific: the research aims to disclose the priorities, values and experiences which form the base for young people’s educational choices. The major aim
    of my research is to contribute to improvement of recruitment and gender equality patterns in STEM education in European states. Additionally, this research’s objective is to determine if the current teaching methodology of STEM subjects at secondary school can influence the perception, attitudes and interests towards science, as well as motivation behind pursuing STEM education through a gender perspective.

    The paper I intend to write:
    I would like to write a paper focus on how policies and politics in the European context shape the educational systems and therefore curriculum design, teaching methodologies, school practice in different countries.

    The starting knowledge-base:
    -Qualitative methodology
    -Curricula analysis

    The knowledge needed to complete the paper:
    Knowledge about the European governance of education and more important educational policies in other countries.

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