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Francesca Rapanà – Short presentation and paper proposal

Home Forums 2018 SUSEES Edition – Writing Groups Francesca Rapanà – Short presentation and paper proposal

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    Profile photo of Francesca Rapana
    Francesca Rapana

    Institutional affiliation
    I’m a Post Doc Fellow at the University of Verona, Department of Human Sciences. I’m involved in a 3 years Horizon 2020 project named “Encouraging Lifelong Learning for an Inclusive and Vibrant Europe” (Enliven) started in Sept 2016

    Training background
    I’ve completed my Phd in Cognitive Science and Education in 2008 at University of Trento. I carried out a qualitative research on the so called “second generation” migrants and the concept of citizenship in their families using a grounded theory approach.
    After my PhD, I had several contracts at the University of Trento, both in teaching (Qualitative research methodology in Education, Social Pedagogy, etc.) and research (in particular I was involved in the 3 years EU research project “Social network in teacher education”) and as consultant in the Provincial Institute for Educational Research and Experimentation, where I worked mainly on adult education, citizenship education, intercultural education.

    Main themes of investigation
    Currently my main research interests lie on adult education and adult education policies.
    I am currently working on two research projects. The first concerns learning in the workplace, with particular reference to the enterprises’ support for workplace learning for younger workers/employees during their first ten years of gainful employment.
    The second one aims at developing two examples of ‘policy trails’ in the field of education and training for the younger vulnerable adults in Europe. For this WP I’m working on Youth Guarantee.

    Paper intended to write
    I will work on a paper based on my empirical work on the working place learning, the policies an the workplace organization that could support or undermine
    learning on the job.

    Starting knowledge-base (empirical materials, theory, methodology, etc.)
    Empirical materials: interviews, observation, learning project in enterprises
    Methodology: qualitative approach

    The knowledge needed to complete the paper.
    As policy analysis is not at the heart of my training, I am interested in exploring this issue further, with particular reference to the implementation of policies and the strategies institutions apply to relate to policies and norms.

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